jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020


Good afternoon,

I have chosen the activity that our classmate Rocío created and published in her blog: https://rocioteacherblog.blogspot.com/2020/03/storyjumper.html

Her students made a fable (The ant and the grasshopper) with Storyjumper.

I have selected this activity because I think it's a good opportunity to create a role-play as a final task. 

First of all, students will work in groups of three people (narrator, the ant and the grasshopper). Then, they will read the story and finally they must create the adapted dialogues to be represented to the rest of the class.

The role-plays can be recorded in order to use them as a self-evaluation.

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2020


TASK 5.3.
  • Present a plan which shows clearly the staging of the activities that the students used to prepare the project (e.g. Stage 1. Choose topic and establish groups; 2) choose modality of Genially…)
We have been working with the verb have got in affirmative, negative and interrogative form with my 5th Primary Students. In order to work with this verb students created a monster and described it to the rest of the class.
Students worked in pairs. They created a presentation in Genially to support their oral work.
  • Comment on how decisions were taken as to the grouping of students and timings of the project.
First of all, students decided what type of monster they wanted to do. They used all the materials they want (plastic, paper, sticks…). Then, they prepared the presentation with Genially and finally they organized the oral presentation. They had 3-5 minutes to do it.
  • A sample of any additional materials you used (handouts, project planners etc.)
They used the monster to show to the rest of the students and to support their oral presentation.
  • Links to the projects realised by your students (you can choose the best ones to upload)
  • Video, Audio and/or photos of the presentations.
  • Lastly, do not forget to reflect on how the use of the tool has optimised your students’ learning experience and has helped you achieve the objectives. Would you change anything?
Genially is a tool that allows you to work easily and intuitively. It is very easy to use because it helps students focus their attention on the most important parts of their presentation.
It helped me achieve the objectives I proposed because I could evaluate the presentation in Genially and the oral one.
Moreover, students felt motivated and comfortable doing an oral presentation with the use of this tool.