jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020


Good afternoon,

I have chosen the activity that our classmate Rocío created and published in her blog: https://rocioteacherblog.blogspot.com/2020/03/storyjumper.html

Her students made a fable (The ant and the grasshopper) with Storyjumper.

I have selected this activity because I think it's a good opportunity to create a role-play as a final task. 

First of all, students will work in groups of three people (narrator, the ant and the grasshopper). Then, they will read the story and finally they must create the adapted dialogues to be represented to the rest of the class.

The role-plays can be recorded in order to use them as a self-evaluation.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello, Esther! I hope you are living this quarantine as good as possible.
    I love the design on your blog because it's clean and simple, just what I think students need. I hope you can use it for your daily use, since it's a really helpful tool.
