sábado, 22 de febrero de 2020


I chose this video because a few months ago we were working with Christmas recipes and I couldn't find a video that fits with my aim objective. Now, I can adapt the video to the activity I want to show to my students just cutting him.

The objectives I want to achieve with this video are:
- Learn vocabulary related to a Christmas recipe.
- Learn verbs in order to do a recipe.
- Make a Christmas recipe.
-Know the festival of Christmas as a socio-cultural aspect of English countries.

First of all, we will watch the video and finally we will do an activity. We will find the correct order in order to do Mince Pies. Students can watch the video at home in order to familiarize with the vocabulary.

I think it is a fantastic activity in order to learn the socio-cultural aspect of English countries. My students really enjoy not just watching the video but also participating in the creation of a English Christmas recipe. On the other hand, I can see a disadvantage: Internet connection sometimes doesn’t work very well in school so it can be a time wasting.

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2020

Task 2.4. A Time Line with TimeToast

The main aim of this activity is to learn about the four Bourbon kings ruled Spain (6th Primary) First of all, the steps we followed to achieve this objective were the following ones:

- Get into groups of five.
- Each group chose one important king.
- They looked for information and wrote a small biography on him.
-  They completed the timeline with the most important facts.
-  Joined them all together to do a timeline.

I think TimeToast has a lot of advantages. It is a great tool for students to organize events during a period of time. After finding important dates and information relating to Bourbon Kings, they created a timeline. This timeline could be used as an assessment of what they learned. Moreover, this tool helped students to summarize the main ideas in a text and it encouraged active learning because they were working in group. 

On the other hand, the main disadvantage includes requiring an email. This could be an issue for the parents of younger students. In my case, students worked in the same account (I made for them) in order to introduce information. Also, pictures must be ready to upload and this hindered some students who are unfamiliar with uploading images.

My students really enjoyed with this interactive activity when clicking though the events of this timeline so I think it’s a good tool to make lessons memorable and fun.

miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2020

Task 2.2. "Reflect of reading habits"

Reflect of Reading habits

- Picture 1. They are in a library in a relaxed environment so I think they are reading for pleasure.
- Picture 2. I think a mum is reading a book to her daughter. Maybe, she is explaining her a science lesson because she is going to have an exam. They are creating ties of union because mum is helping her daughter to study.
- Picture 3. A man is using his ebook in order to read a book for pleasure. I think he is using this personal device because he can carry a whole library of hundreds of books with him without worrying about their weight.
- Picture 4. Children are in a school reading a collection of books of their classroom library. I think their teacher chose the book for them, so they are not reading for pleasure.
- Picture 5. A man is reading a newspaper in order to know the last current news. He is reading for pleasure.

My reading experience came when I was a child when my parents read me a lot of books in order to go to sleep. Nowadays, I read a lot of books in my ebook. I think is a very good device because you can carry a library of various book genres for every mood. I enjoy reading a wide range of texts but I prefer crime novel because I really enjoy discovering who is the murdered of the story. 
I try to read all these novels in L2 in order to improve my English but I also like reading in Spanish. 

Christmas around the World

Do you want to know how Christmas is celebrated in other countries


     ● VIDEO





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