miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2020

Task 2.2. "Reflect of reading habits"

Reflect of Reading habits

- Picture 1. They are in a library in a relaxed environment so I think they are reading for pleasure.
- Picture 2. I think a mum is reading a book to her daughter. Maybe, she is explaining her a science lesson because she is going to have an exam. They are creating ties of union because mum is helping her daughter to study.
- Picture 3. A man is using his ebook in order to read a book for pleasure. I think he is using this personal device because he can carry a whole library of hundreds of books with him without worrying about their weight.
- Picture 4. Children are in a school reading a collection of books of their classroom library. I think their teacher chose the book for them, so they are not reading for pleasure.
- Picture 5. A man is reading a newspaper in order to know the last current news. He is reading for pleasure.

My reading experience came when I was a child when my parents read me a lot of books in order to go to sleep. Nowadays, I read a lot of books in my ebook. I think is a very good device because you can carry a library of various book genres for every mood. I enjoy reading a wide range of texts but I prefer crime novel because I really enjoy discovering who is the murdered of the story. 
I try to read all these novels in L2 in order to improve my English but I also like reading in Spanish. 

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