sábado, 22 de febrero de 2020


I chose this video because a few months ago we were working with Christmas recipes and I couldn't find a video that fits with my aim objective. Now, I can adapt the video to the activity I want to show to my students just cutting him.

The objectives I want to achieve with this video are:
- Learn vocabulary related to a Christmas recipe.
- Learn verbs in order to do a recipe.
- Make a Christmas recipe.
-Know the festival of Christmas as a socio-cultural aspect of English countries.

First of all, we will watch the video and finally we will do an activity. We will find the correct order in order to do Mince Pies. Students can watch the video at home in order to familiarize with the vocabulary.

I think it is a fantastic activity in order to learn the socio-cultural aspect of English countries. My students really enjoy not just watching the video but also participating in the creation of a English Christmas recipe. On the other hand, I can see a disadvantage: Internet connection sometimes doesn’t work very well in school so it can be a time wasting.

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